The Norfolk Towne Assembly Then
In the 18th and early 19th Centuries, an “Assembly” was a group of prominent citizens of a community who came together to organize social and educational events for the benefit of the community. These included events such as subscription balls, talks on new scientific and geographical discoveries, plays, concerts, and other “cultural” events. Here in Hampton Roads, the "Norfolk Assembly,” for which our group is named, existed in the 18th and early 19th century.
The Norfolk Towne Assembly Today
The Norfolk Towne Assembly (NTA) is a not-for-profit educational organization started by a group of people who love and appreciate the elegance, society, culture, food, arts, and dance of early America during the period from 1773 - 1830. We strive to provide like-minded people a community to share and discuss their fondness for the period as well as to provide opportunities to pass on our interest and knowledge to others. Most living history organizations focus on military portrayals during the late-18th and early-19th centuries. Very few of them focus on recreating the “civilian” of the period. The NTA looks to fill that need.
While our focus is primarily on the “civilian,” we welcome those whose interests involve the military. In the colonial period, as well as during the early republic, there were few “professional” soldiers. Therefore, most soldiers in America were militia and thus were civilians (and had a profession) before they became “military” and again after they returned to civilian life.
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